Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mimi Monologues: Dreams of my MVP

I was about to begin this post by saying Alyssa and I have devised a kind of routine for my visiting Charlie, my new grandson, but then it seemed "routine" might be too strong a label for a series of visits that only began three weeks ago today! That's the day Charlie brought his new mommy and daddy home from the hospital - not very long ago at all.

And yesterday I decided on this visit it was time for a photo shoot update since my favorite grandson(!) was 3 weeks and 3 days old already! As I often do, I found Mr. C. sleeping away - although he was awake for a few more minutes than usual to visit with Mimi. And he may have been a LITTLE bit fussier than usual - meaning he said "Waaaa" approximately twice... :)

It wasn't long, though, before Charlie was "lights out" once again. And it's pretty darned hard to lay that precious sleeping baby down, but I decided to take the opportunity to catch the late afternoon sun (and it had been a LONG TIME since we had seen the sun!) as it slanted in through the shutters onto Charlie's chubby little cheek.

The sound of my camera's shutter may have disturbed this MVP (yes, he is - it says so on his outfit). Charlie stirs and stretches his little arms.

Post stretch I caught Charlie looking almost as he must have when he dwelled inside his mommy's tummy. But the startling thing about this photo was the positioning of his left forefinger across his mouth. That's a mannerism his Poppy, Mr. H., adopts when he's thinking. Ok, probably JUST A COINCIDENCE but I hope you'll forgive me if I just say...WOW

How cute is it when babies smile when they're sleeping. I wonder if they dream, and if they do, of what???????

...and a little yawn....still sound asleep.....

Charlie was running through a myriad of facial expressions as he slept peacefully on...

...yes, quite peaceful. I wonder what next...

Oh, yeah. Blowing bubbles with the tip of the tongue present. He must have learned to blow raspberries from his cousin, Emily Mae...

...and this smile HAS to mean that something pretty funny is tickling Charlie here. Or maybe he was remembering that hot little girl baby he saw from afar at the hospital. Maybe....

So my "routine" visit with Charlie came to a close as his mommy woke him up for a little head wash (he is experiencing a bit of allergy on his little scalp) and then a feeding. That's our young routine - I arrive after Charlie has his dinner (lunch, breakfast...or...) and we hang out so his mommy can get something done. Sometimes that "something" is just chatting with Mimi - and of course that's a pretty nice routine that I could happily get quite used to...

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